Enjoy the not-so-freezing temperatures while you still can.
That’s advice from Environment Canada meteorologist Jason Knight who said most of the province will continue to see daytime highs 10 C above normal over the next few days.
“We’ve got a lot of warm Pacific air streaming over the Rockies this morning and it’s going to cover the entire Prairies for the entire weekend,” Knight told News Talk Radio. “This all courtesy of a low-pressure system that’s staying way up in the Arctic keeping us in the warm air, so we’re going to be above normal the entire weekend.”
Knight added gusting winds expected across the province will have little impact on the overall temperatures other than offering a little bit of a chill.
But like all good things, the nice weather will eventually come to an end over the middle of next week, and Knight said it could come with some snow.
“Temperatures will start to cool down to normal, maybe perhaps with a little bit of precipitation, but certainly the cooler temperatures will start kicking in next week,” Knight said. “Enjoy the nice weekend while we have it.”
Despite seeing temperature 10 degrees above normal, it’s unlikely Saskatchewan will bust any records as most records are in the mid to high teens.
“For Saskatoon, Friday’s record is 13.9 so we’ll fall a few short of that and tomorrow 14.3 and Sunday 16.1,” Knight said.
The provincial record-high for this time is held by Maple Creek at 21 degrees.