The 17-year-old girl who died while driving along the Ring Road earlier this week was a student at Campbell Collegiate.
On the high school’s website, the principal posted a message confirming the loss of one of its own.
“It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of a Grade 12 Campbell student. Our student died last night in a tragic car accident. She will be missed by friends and staff of Campbell,” wrote Principal Cindy Hock.
Katie Boehm was killed Tuesday night when her car and a semi crashed.
Hock reminds parents a wide range of emotions are normal when students are dealing with grief, such as withdrawal, crying and anger. Hock adds if kids are showing particular distress, parents can call the school at 306-523-3250.
The public school division said a specialized team of grief counsellors will be at the school as needed. Students can also write their own messages of condolence if they choose.