In photos posted on social media, they are a young, smiling family of four from Saskatoon. But on Sunday morning, Jordan Van de Vorst, his wife Chanda and their two kids, two-year-old Miguire and five-year-old Kamryn, were killed in a crash north of Saskatoon.
In a video, the blond, pig-tailed girl squeals with excitement as she toboggans down a hill on New Years Day — just two days before the tragedy on Highway 11. It was one of the things her dad posted on Facebook in the days leading up to the crash, along with holiday wishes and pictures of his photography.
According to RCMP, a Jeep Wrangler tried crossing the highway from Wanuskewin Road when it collided with the Van de Vorst’s car around 12:30 a.m. Sunday. The driver of the Jeep, 49-year-old Catherine Loye McKay, faces three counts of impaired driving causing death.
The court document that lists the charges in connection to the deaths of Jordan, Chanda and Miguire does not list a charge in connection to Kamryn, who died later Sunday morning while being treated at the hospital.
McKay briefly appeared in Saskatoon Provincial Court on Monday morning and was remanded in custody until Thursday for a possible bail hearing.
She is listed as the executive director of the Saskatoon District Sports Council on the non-profit’s website. McKay was also involved with High Impact Wrestling and worked for the organization until August 2014, at which time she also retired from professional wrestling according to owner Mike Roberts.