It might be hard to imagine with snow still on the ground, but the City of Saskatoon is planning for the spring and summer construction season.
Officials announced Wednesday that four major infrastructure projects will move ahead for 2016.
The city expects crews to spend about five months on the Ruth Street overpass. The work will include replacing the bridge deck and asphalt. The project is set to be completed in phases. One lane of traffic will be kept moving in both directions throughout .
The Stonebridge interchange at Victor Road and Highway 11 is another of the four large-scale projects. It’s expected to be complete in the fall of 2016. Traffic on Highway 11 around the site will be reduced to single lanes both southbound and northbound.
The intersection at Central Avenue and Attridge Drive will also be getting improvements. Work is expected to be finished in the 2016 construction season. However, timelines for the project are still being ironed out. The work is part of the overall North Commuter Parkway and Traffic Bridge. The city expects two lanes of traffic in all directions will be kept moving at peak times, and reduced to one lane at off-peak times.
Finally, the city will be dojng work on the water mains crossing Broadway Aveneue. With some of the pipes pushing 100 years old, director of major projects Mike Gutek said it was important to get them changed out.