Many people will be wearing green Thursday for St. Patrick’s Day – and the Green Party of Saskatchewan is hoping you’ll vote green this election.
Kicking off its campaign the day the writ was dropped, party leader Victor Lau was in Regina with a handful of candidates.
With a full slate of candidates, Lau maintains the Greens are in it to win it.
“There’s 61 candidates that could form government. We are not just talking about getting one person in, we are talking about forming government,” Lau insisted.
The platform includes guaranteed income supplement, a new north development strategy, the elimination of ambulance fees, the expansion of medicare, rural revitalization and participatory democracy.
“We involve people in designing their health care, for example, not just a top down approach.”
Lau talks of being able to win the election and present a budget, with involvement from the public, all win two months of forming government.
Many of the platform announcements do not come with a cost analysis.
The Green Party of Saskatchewan received 2.87 per cent of the vote in 2011, but Lau maintains forming government is still possible.
“We really are the party of real change. It is not just about electing a party into government, it is about designing a government that basically serves the people.”