Fans of superheroes will see two of the biggest fictional characters ever clash on the big screen beginning Thursday.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in theatres.
It’s a film Chad Boudreau of Comic Readers in Regina will be watching closely.
“There’s definitely an interest in this movie but I would say quite a few people are a little worried. They want it to be good but they’re not entirely sure. People are definitely talking about it but everyone’s being a little cautious,” he explained.
He said he usually notices more interest in his store from people when a blockbuster comic book character comes to the big screen, although sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint which character will have the most success at his store.
“I don’t think a movie like Batman Superman is going to have people coming in [saying] ‘Hey, I need a Batman, Superman comic’ … however, with any sort of geek-type movie that has merchandise tied to it, we’ll often see people coming looking for that. So, there’s lines of toys, coffee mugs, that kind of stuff always seems to sell a little bit more when there’s a good movie out in theatres.”
The first showing of the movie goes at 6:30 p.m. at the Cineplex Theatre in the city’s northwest.