Riders rent reduction a 'contractual matter', no legal threat: Reynolds
6h ago
The $1.33M rent reduction comes from what the club owed during seasons impacted by the pandemic.
The City of Saskatoon is promoting the results of extra money being spent on roads.
The Building Better Roads program started in 2014, the first year funds became available from a dedicated road levy added to property taxes.
At a news event Thursday, officials said they expect to have over 200 kilometres of roads repaved by the end of the 2016 building season – bringing the three-year total to about 620 kilometres.
The city says that’s just over 40 per cent more than the roughly 430 kilometres of repaving they projected at the start of the program.
Between snow and ice removal and projects to fix streets, sidewalks and back lanes, the city will have spent about $59 million this year.