Premier Brad Wall may have been speaking to reporters Friday dressed in a windbreaker, but he maintains the work of government hasn’t stopped since the election.
Wall confirms the legislative session will start mid-May but a date won’t be made public until the election returns are made official.
Treasury board has been meeting since the election to begin finalizing the budget that will be delivered June 1.
Wall says there will be no cuts or tax increases but admits it will be a tight one.
“Some ministries are going to come in lower than last budget, not the big three, but some will and some will come in with zeros, they will have to so we can support health and education and social services to the great extent possible.”
Wall maintains there will be no cuts and no tax increases to achieve that. But it means government will have to find hundreds of millions of dollars in savings.
Cabinet will meet for the first time since the election next week and the government caucus will gather again as the countdown to the new session begins.