A four-storey apartment and business complex planned for the Cathedral neighbourhood won’t go ahead as proposed.
The city’s planning commission voted down the idea Wednesday in its current form after a number of residents spoke out against the concept, which would be built on the corner of 13th Avenue and Elphinstone Street. Instead, the proposal is being sent back to administration and the developer to see if adjustments can be made.
Theresa Walter lives just a few doors down from that corner and attended the commission’s meeting this week where that decision came down.
“(I’m) pleasantly surprised. I’m happy that they made the decision to take it back to the city planners and the developer to see if they can figure something out,” she said. “From the presentations that were delivered, you really got the sense that the community doesn’t really stand on the side of this development as it was being proposed.”
Walter and several others believed the complex didn’t have the right character for the neighbourhood, believing it was too tall. There were also concerns with traffic congestion and safety, especially when construction on the new Connaught School is complete across the street.
Questions around parking with the new mixed-used building also seemed to be on the minds of those who spoke in opposition. The proposal aimed to rezone a piece of land where a home currently sits, so that it could be torn down and replaced with a parking lot. The commission decided it wants the city to keep that house up and instead take another look at parking issues.
A report will come back with solutions on June 8.