Thieves in Regina seem to be targeting Hondas and Acuras these days, according to the Regina Police Service.
In a news release, police said 65 vehicles of those makes have been stolen already this year, which is more than three times the three-year average of 20. Last week alone, there were eight Hondas and Acuras made in the late 90s and early 2000s stolen in the city.
Most of these thefts are happening in the south end of the city, but not exclusively. Police said the thieves have some way of getting into the vehicles because the windows aren’t being smashed.
Those who have a Honda or Acura are being encouraged to do a more to keep your car safe, police suggest getting a steering wheel-locking device.
Police also reiterated their suggestions for keeping all vehicles safe such as: keeping them locked, taking garage door openers inside, leaving no valuables or spare change in plain sight, and making sure spare sets of keys are removed from vehicles.