A recent move by the City of Regina to help end dust problems in northwest Regina has just created other problems, according to people who live there.
The city put down loose asphalt last week on part of Pinkie Road to try to stop dust from floating up off of the road and covering the nearby Edgewater neighbourhood. Crews did the same to Winnipeg Street North the week before.
The dust had been causing some major problems for people in the area, like cleanliness and health.
Jason Fisher’s home backs on to Pinkie Road and he said the asphalt work has created another problem.
“The dust control has gone down – it’s not as dusty as what it was previously – but the road is in worse condition than previously.”
Fisher said the condition of the road has made things especially problematic for him as he has to use Pinkie Road to get to work.
Fisher said another major issue he’s noticed is big trucks using the road – this is leaving him concerned about the health of a nearby bridge.
Dallas Schweitzer’s house also backs onto Pinkie Road and he said he is still noticing lots of dust.
“Now that they’ve laid that down we’re seeing that the dust is coming up from underneath that asphalt.”
Schweitzer said he felt more work needs to be done, like oiling the asphalt and then compacting it. He added there’s another issue which also needs to be addressed.
“Now it’s posted for 70 (km/h), but everyone’s doing 100, that is ultimately the big factor in why that dust is as bad as it is.”
Schweitzer said he thinks more enforcement is needed, not just to enforce speed limits but also to enforce weight limits.