Saskatoon’s first public mayoral forum is set for Wednesday afternoon as the fall campaign season heats up.
Prairieland Park will play host to all four candidates; Charlie Clark, Don Atchison, Kelley Moore and Devon Hein. The forum is being moderated by Saskatoon Media Group General Manager Vic Dubois.
It will mark the first chance for the candidates to face off in public in the town hall-style forum.
A previous meeting hosted by the Merit Contractors Association, Saskatoon Construction Association and Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association had been closed to the public.
Candidates will be asked five questions each by the moderator, but the public will also get a chance to weigh in with their own queries.
The event is free of charge to the public and runs from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
You can hear about all the details directly after the debate on Saskatoon Afternoon with David Kirton.