Riders rent reduction a 'contractual matter', no legal threat: Reynolds
11h ago
The $1.33M rent reduction comes from what the club owed during seasons impacted by the pandemic.
They call Dec. 23rd the busiest shopping day of the year.
It definitely lived up to that reputation, as it was hard to get parking spots and the line for Santa Claus wrapped around Midtown Plaza.
“My budget is so tight, but I want to make my family feel special so I have to buy them Christmas presents,” said Monioi Ortiz.
A lot of people out shopping were doing it for the kids.
“I didn’t really want to come out, but my wife wanted to get a few extra things for the grandkids,” said Wayne Bacon.
Curtis Sheppard came out early in the morning, so he wouldn’t get stuck with all the people flocking to the mall.
“I was really lucky, I came out to get my brothers kids ninja turtles.”