Scottish heritage was alive and well on Saturday at PotashCorp skating plaza in Saskatoon.
Over 100 people embarked on the kilt skate, last year only had 30 people.
“It’s such a fun event to celebrate Scottish culture,” said organizer Jill Sauter.
The event has been going on for three years, which had several events across the country in places like Ottawa, and Montreal.
“We were excited to again participate in the Kilt Skate events to celebrate both Sir John A’s 202nd and Canada’s 150th birthdays,”
@jtmarshallCKOM Over 100 kilts out today!
— William Wallace (@scotpav) January 28, 2017
Even some bagpipes and drums showed up to the event.
#pipesanddrums watch the tapping toe in the hockey skate!
— William Wallace (@scotpav) January 28, 2017
Saskatchewan’s Premiere Winter Festival goes from Jan. 28 to Feb. 5, 2017.