With the Canadian government going down the road of legalizing marijuana, let’s hope professional sports starts to change the conversation regarding pot as well.
The NHL is the most progressive of the four major sport leagues, with no testing for marijuana though a player could be recommended for a substance abuse program.
The CFL doesn’t even test for pot.
Various leagues have different opinions on the matter. The National Football League is the most infamous for dropping the hammer down on players who test positive for cannabis with suspensions of four games, eight games, entire seasons.
Josh Gordon, a talented receiver, can’t play because he’s a pot head.
Yet, leagues like the National Football League are infamous for pushing highly more addictive and dangerous drugs on their athletes in the form of opioids.
Marijuana should not be met with suspensions. Instead, it should be embraced as an option for leagues and team doctors who could recommend it to players in incredibly violent sports where pain killers are given out like Skittles.
If health and safety of players is constantly sold as high priorities, it’s time marijuana is embraced for that exact reason.