The Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) is expressing concern that school boards are losing their autonomy.
It comes after Education Minister Don Morgan said he wouldn’t approve the Regina Public Schools budget because of cuts to special needs programs.
The cuts were, in part, because of a drop in funding in the provincial budget.
It is that kind of interference that has the SSBA concerned about changes proposed to The Education Act, which would see government with more control over school division spending.
“We fear that an act that moves away those responsibilities will not effectively preserve the responsibilities of boards in being that true voice,” argued Shawn Davidson, SSBA president. “We’ve got, as trustees, those connections to the places we live and the communities we represent and it is vital that those connections be preserved in law permanently.”
Regina Public School is not the only division grappling with budget issues. Regina Catholic Schools has reduced head office costs as well Chinook School Division let nine people go.
“We think it would be remiss of our organization to not let the public know that this is going to cause some pain, we’ve got difficult choices to make,” Davidson said.
Both the government and the SSBA maintain they hope to work together on these issues.