Could a commissioner of a league have a better start to their tenure than Randy Ambrosie has just had in the CFL?
First, he came in with the bold move to change the challenge system midway through the season and fans gave him a standing ovation.
By the way, that move has been great with much better flow to the game and keeping the attention on the field.
Then he and the league push forward the diversity is strength campaign at the perfect time, although it was a few weeks earlier than planned.
That’s two for two on reading the play and taking advantage.
Now, he’s publically discussing a conversation that needs to be had on the playoff format in the CFL. Currently, the east division is the league’s weak brother but gets propped up because of a playoff format.
Commissioner Ambrosie seems less inclined to change this but at least he’s open to a conversation when there appeared to be no interest before.
He is building up a lot of positive press and we continue to wonder why the league didn’t hire him two years ago when they had the chance.