One of the best runs of your life has to be the one running behind the bike of your kid who has just asked to take the training wheels off.
I was able to go for that jog around the block this weekend after a little negotiation after some sudden anxiety and, I’ll admit the little lie, I told her that I’d hold on to the seat the entire time there I was running beside my daughter. Because, for your kid to do anything, we all have to let go at one point or the other.
“I’m doing it!” she exclaimed with a little wobble and me pulling off the multitasking of a somewhat stable video shoot, watching for traffic and, of course, keeping up with the kid whose confidence is growing just as much as her speed.
Piece of advice: flip-flops are a poor choice of footwear, by the way, if you’re a young parent that hasn’t gotten to this milestone moment.
But cross it off the list: teach the kid to ride a bike.
Up next, the first day of school. I’m not sure I’m ready for this one but, hey, letting them go is the only way to let them fly, right?