For the first time, the City of Regina will be hosting the Run for Childhood Cancer on Saturday at Wascana Park in front of the Legislature.
Former Saskatchewan Roughrider Dan Rashovich is one of the chairs for the run.
“It’s also a walk, so for those people who don’t like to run, there is the walk portion of it,” he said.
Raising awareness for childhood cancer is a passion for Rashovich. He said the colour for childhood cancer is gold, so he expects to see lots of people out wearing gold.
“At work, big parts of my day, all I’m doing is believing in the gold. How do you say no (to) children’s cancer, especially something like that where it’s the number one killer of kids. Children’s cancer only gets 4 per cent of all research money that goes towards cancer, so how do you say no,” he said.
There are a few reasons why Rashovich got involved. While in Meadow Lake recently, doing an event for KidSport, he was called by a friend of his, asking him if he knew what “Gold” was.
“I’m like, ‘no.’ He goes, ‘that’s the color of children’s cancer,'” Rashovich explained.
His friend then explained about the lack of funding for childhood cancer and about how it’s the number one killer of kids.
“I said ‘Okay, what do you want? I’m in,'” Rashovich said.
There’s also a personal connection for him as well that his friend wasn’t aware of.
“He had no idea that my oldest son was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia about a year ago, because you don’t go running around telling everybody. I took that as a bit of a message that you know what, I kind of have to do this,” Rashovich said.
“When you watch your own child going through what they’re going through, there’s not a lot you can do, except be there to support. So I thought this was another way that I could actually do something.”
He said there are so many families out that there that appreciate someone helping to bring awareness to the disease and to help raise money because of how different childhood cancer is.
Anyone wanting to take part in the run can register on Saturday morning at 9 a.m.
The event will also feature a breakfast at 9:30 a.m. along with a big kids zone that will include face painting, bouncy castles, henna tattoos and football throwing.
Rashovich said they even have 200 footballs to give away.
He said there will also be Disney Princesses and Superheroes in attendance as well as Gainer the Gopher.
The 2K walk with the kids will also feature candy stations along the way.