Seeing Naaman Roosevelt stagger and stumble after his head bounced off the cold, hard turf at Mosaic Stadium made my stomach turn.
It was just three weeks ago we saw an unconscious Roosevelt on that same turf, again stumbling when they got him to his feet, clearly feeling the effects of a brain injury. Because that’s what concussions are — they are brain injuries
A few days later, Roosevelt flew to Ottawa with his team, a few days after that he was practicing and on the field playing against Toronto.
Roosevelt is a star receiver, with a ton of football left to be played and many more years left of life. Should getting him back on the field as quickly as possible be the highest priority? NO!
It was seven days between concussion and practice for Naaman Roosevelt, which tells me something needs to be done with the concussion protocol. The Roughriders did the tests, Roosevelt passed them, no fault to either party?
Concussion symptoms may not pop up until days or weeks after suffering one, but a player could pass protocol in three days in the CFL.
When will we start using our brains to realize the concussion protocol doesn’t match up with modern science regarding brain injuries?