The snow routes applied by the City of Regina seem to be having the desired effect.
As part of a pilot project, after a snowfall, parking isn’t allowed on certain sections of Winnipeg Street and Victoria and College Avenues.
It’s the second time snow routes have been applied this winter.
By simply asking people to move their cars from certain streets, it was hoped snow removal would be more efficient and take less time.
“Last year, on average, there were about 150 parked cars, but this year with the signage and the communication, there were about 50 parked cars for crews to maneuver around,” Chris Warren, manager of winter maintenance explained. “We were getting the plow done 20 per cent quicker in that stretch of roadway than we have in the past.”
Warren added that over a five-kilometer stretch of roadway, crews were able to clear the designated streets 12 minutes faster than usual and clear right to the sidewalk, ensuring the maximum lane width.
Mayor Michael Fougere believes the project is a worthwhile endeavor but maintained it will only work if citizens participate.
“Habits are hard to break sometimes, if you park on the street, you just park on the street,” Fougere said. “Hopefully people will understand: please stay off the street so it makes it easier to get through.”
If the snow routes pilot is a success, it could be extended to other neighbourhoods in Regina.