With another case of how stupid are we becoming, I bring you the story of Kelvin Ooms: A firefighter who has become a Saskatchewan Rush superfan and on game day is known as Rush Hulk.
The Rush organized a road trip for fans, and it’s this weekend when they head to Calgary on the Rush Hulk Road Trip. They’ve raised over $2,000 for KidSport and will take around 300 Rush fans to Calgary.
Hulk, however, will not be allowed in the Saddledome. Why? Because of stupidity really.
The Calgary Roughnecks fear security concerns because of the potential that things could get ugly with an unofficial mascot of the visiting team in the building.
Please. Do you know what fuels that behaviour? Booze. So if you’re really concerned about things getting ugly, stop selling it.
But that will never happen. This wreaks of Calgary having their nose bent out of joint that Saskatchewan fans will outshine their own, which happens at Stampeders games all the time.
But Kelvin will be there, without his outfit, but I imagine the Rush fans will be even more exuberant because of the Roughnecks’ senseless decision.