Some pot dispensaries in Regina are continuing to operate against the law despite a number of warnings from police.
Best Buds owner Pat Warnecke has no intention of shutting his business down. He said if that were to happen that could spell a potential “health crisis” with thousands of patients without their medication.
Warnecke realizes police are in a difficult position to enforce this issue a few months before the legalization of recreational marijuana.
“We’re in a tough spot too. I’m faced with either going to jail or helping sick people. That’s the position we’re put in,” he explained.
On Wednesday, police Chief Evan Bray repeated a warning about his officers cracking down on illegal storefront operations in the city. Bray said those stores are not legal and police are warning them to comply with the current law.
“I appreciate their position, but police are allowed to use discretion at any point in time. It’s what they do every day. They’re allowed to use discretion on tickets, they’re allowed to use discretion on a lot of things including something that’s about to be changed,” Warnecke countered.
He helps connect some clients with creams, edibles and suppositories that he said people can’t get from licensed producers.
Warnecke added some of his clients want the medicine but don’t want the high, so they turn to these alternative methods so that the cannabis bypasses the liver.
Another option exists, Warnecke continued, pointing to temporary licenses that some other cities — like Vernon, B.C. — have done to deal with the issue.