Retirement talk is taking over the Super Bowl when it comes to Tom Brady.
The New England Patriots quarterback could become the only QB in NFL history to win a Super Bowl in their 40s. So it’s a natural topic on just how long Brady wants to play.
Some have said he wants to play into his mid-40s and with his workout and diet regimen, he likely could.
I for one hope to see the latter play out. As much as I’m quite openly against cheering for the Patriots, I do like watching greatness and I do like witnessing history.
Every throw with Tom Brady become a historic moment one way or the other and he did after all just lead the league in passing yards this season, so it’s not like he’s slowing down like Peyton Manning or Brett Favre were near the end.
But we will have to watch this game with that thought in the back of our minds. What if this is the last time we see Brady throw the ball around?
Because there is no longer a debate to be had that we’re watching the greatest of all time.