If you’ve got something to say about parking and traffic around Evraz Place in Regina – now is the time to let it be known.
The Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL) is asking for feedback about parking and exit wait times at Evraz Place in a new survey.
It’s the first step in a public engagement process that will inform a renewed parking plan for the 100-acre property.
“When our parking lot is full, it can take upwards of 40 minutes to get about 3,500 cars off the property, and that’s not meeting anyone’s expectations,” said Tim Reid, the president and CEO of REAL, in a news release Thursday.
Reid noted the facilities operate year-round, with many events happening at the same time.
“Parking congestion at peak times can be a challenge, and we’ve heard public feedback that we’re not meeting expectations. We’re looking to the public to share their input into how we can resolve the issues and improve guest experiences.”
The feedback will influence a parking and exit plan that will be shared with the public later this year.