The image of Alexander Ovechkin lifting the Stanley Cup over his head for the first time won’t be a moment I soon forget.
We all witnessed the years of frustration. The years of hearing questions about his leadership. The constant hot takes that Ovechkin should be traded. The Washington Capitals will never win a Stanley Cup with Ovechkin leading the way.
While many others in the organization have lived the frustration, nobody was the target of blame like Ovechkin has been over the last decade.
Ovechkin took it all in stride. When many players would end up holding a grudge, not Ovechkin. He accepted the blame and took it like a leader should.
And the fact Ovechkin wears his heart on his sleeve as much as he has, we got to see the raw, honest, emotion from the Capitals captain last night.
Ovechkin’s shouts and yells were 13 years of frustration being exorcised.
He’s now a Stanley Cup Champion.