Something other than farm equipment is drawing lots of people’s attention at this year’s Canada Farm Progress show.
West Coast Lumberjacks are putting on an hour-long show three times a day.
Owner, Darren Dean, said it’s a one of a kind show you won’t see at every fair. Everything from axe throwing, chopping and sawing, tree climbing, and log rolling is performed by a group of four people.
Dean said it might look easy from the stands but it’s a lot of hard work.
“It’s really hard. It’s definitely not something you can just run down to Canadian Tire, grab an axe and become a lumberjack — there’s a lot of work behind the scenes.”
As for what the crowd gets the biggest thrill from, Dean said it’s split down the middle with one dangerous act, and the other that involves water.
“It’s a 50/50 between the log rolling and the tree climbing,” he said. “Everyone likes to see somebody fall in the pond and get wet, and it’s pretty exciting watching somebody run up the 40 ft. pole and back down in about seven seconds.”
The show runs daily at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m.