If there is one guy in the CFL who has built up enough good karma to be able to avoid serious injury, it’s Ricky Ray.
Seeing the quarterback with his head and neck stabilized leaving the field had all football fans and anyone who knows anything about Ray hoping for the best.
I task you to find someone who will say something bad about Ricky Ray that isn’t a bitter fan. He is as pro as pro can get. Going into week one, Riders head coach Chris Jones went on about the calm, cool and confident Ray.
I remember Ray in 2012, in the moments after the 100th Grey Cup who gave time to this Saskatchewan reporter to talk about the win. It was almost an hour after the game and the media relations person with the Argos rolled their eyes that I was lingering for an interview by the TSN set where Ray was talking to the panel.
‘He hasn’t even been to the room to celebrate, yet so it’s up to Ricky,’
Ray stepped off the set and came right over without hesitation, still in his pads. Courteous and classy.
Get well, Ricky.