Farmers received some favourable weather this week which allowed them to continue to make good progress in the field.
According to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report, 58 per cent of the crop is in the bin, which is well above the five-year average of 37 per cent for this time of the year.
Twenty-eight per cent of the crop is swathed or ready to straight-cut.
Rain toward the end of the week, particularly in the eastern and northern regions, slowed down field progress.
Harvest is most advanced in the southwest region, with 82 per cent of the crop being combined.
The southeast region has 77 per cent combined, the west-central is at 53 per cent, east-central is at 49 per cent while the northeast region is at 27 per cent. The northwest region remains farthest behind at 16 per cent in the bin.
Ninety-six per cent of lentils, 94 per cent of field peas, 73 per cent of durum, 46 per cent of spring wheat, 38 per cent of canola and 14 per cent of flax and soybeans have been combined so far.
Most areas of the province reported frost and damage varies depending on the maturity of the crop and how far temperatures dropped.
There were five reported cases of farm machinery contacting electrical equipment last week.