Nova Scotia’s Miriam Dunn is getting a lot of attention on Twitter.
The reason Dunn is getting a lot of attention is due to a recently sent out tweet about her father:
“Attention friends: since mom died this past Spring, my 92 YO dad waits for mail every day. Listens for the squeak of the mail slot opening. His BDAY is Oct. Please mail a note, card, picture, map or story to
Gerard Dunn
96 Summerhill Avenue
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1R 2L4
Thank you.”
ATTENTION FRIENDS: Since Mom died this past Spring, my 92 YO dad waits for mail every day. Listens for the squeak of the mail slot opening. His BDAY is Oct. Please mail a note, card, picture, map or story to
Gerard Dunn
96 Summerhill Avenue
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1R 2L4Thank you.
— Miriam Dunn (@Miridunn) September 24, 2018
Regina’s Jack 94.5 called Dunn to chat with her about her father.
Dunn said her dad used to supervise a mail sorting area of the local post office, so mail has always been a part of his life.
With her mother passing away in the spring, Dunn said her father knows his wife would want him to be strong.
Dunn said her mother and father had the most beautiful love story.
“He would not walk through a room without going out of his way just to touch her on the shoulder as she passed by,” she said.
There’s still love notes hanging up all over her father’s home.
“He still courted her all through the years, just a tremendous, tremendous amount of love. It was beautiful to see and beautiful to be a part of,” Dunn said.
There’s lots of support for Dunn’s father, with seven children in the family.
Dunn said the out of town siblings try to come to see their father every couple of weeks, but one thing he likes is when they send him letters.
“Even a brother who lives 300 miles away (from dad) will send a newspaper clipping to him or a picture. So we’re trying to keep him happy with one of the things that’s really important in his life which is listening for the mail to come through that slot,” Dunn said.
This is where Dunn got her idea and she put a call out on Twitter to see if they could get their father a few more letters, especially with his birthday in October.
“Low and beyond, I think the mail carrier is going to ask for a raise,” Dunn said in response to the amount of letters their father has already received and how many people have reached out saying they’ll be sending a letter as well.
Dunn said she’s overwhelmed by the goodness and love they’ve been receiving online.