The NHL is looking into new puck technology.
Don’t get too excited though. I did, thinking the NHL was testing pucks that could have a sensor of some sort that would trigger the goal light when the puck crossed the goal line.
Instead, the technology they’re investing their money into is to be better tell when a puck’s temperature is too high and needs to be replaced.
Really??? A puck that has the colour of the NHL logo change, so when it turns a different shade the ref knows best when to change the puck.
I can think of 1,000 things more important for the NHL to invest in rather than technology that already exists.
I have a rubber duck at home you can put in the kids’ bath and the bottom turns white when it’s the appropriate temperature.
Do you know how often I use it? Never. I go by feel like trained refs are able to do that have handled pucks since they were five.
Now spend some useful dollars on technology to be able to have a computer tell us when a puck crosses the line fans don’t have to whine for decades like we’ve heard from Flames fans since 2004.