The City of Regina wants to crack down on people who park on their lawns.
At its Jan. 28 meeting, city council will decide on tougher penalties to the offense of parking on any area of the front yard that is not a driveway, like a lawn. Council will consider an escalating fine starting at $250 for the first offense.
The city said this is in response to concerns from the public, who usually make around 300 complaints each year. Of those complaints, 50 per cent were resolved voluntarily after a bylaw officers left a notice and 40 per cent revealed there was no violation. Further enforcement was only required in the remaining 10 per cent of complaints.
If council passes the new fine system, it would remain complaint driven.
People who park on their lawn will not immediately get a fine. It will start with a warning — like the notice from bylaw officers — but if no action is taken after that, a fine will be issued.