When Logan Boulet’s parents visit his gravesite, viewers watching the Sports Illustrated documentary about the young hockey player may feel physical pain. They may laugh when friends reminisce about their gregarious, dedicated pal. And they may feel inspired to sign their organ donation card, as Boulet did about a month before he was among 16 people who died from the Humboldt Broncos bus crash.
The Logan Effect. It’s the cover story and the photograph for the current issue of SI. The magazine also posted on YouTube a 42-minute documentary about Boulet, a 21-year-old defenceman from Lethbridge, and how he was kept alive a few extra hours so doctors could harvest his organs to help six people who needed transplants. His action also led to a spike in organ donations.
The Broncos, rebuilt following the tragedy, have clinched a Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League playoff berth. The last of 13 injured players was released from hospital mere days ago. The one-year anniversary of the crash is coming April 6. Logan Boulet will be one of the reasons why we remember. And cry. And smile.