Regina’s Brad Watson is headed to the Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame.
He earned the honour even before his amazing 23-year career as an NHL referee ended last week. In a province that produces more NHL players per capita than any jurisdiction, Saskatchewan has been equally adept at producing officials.
Mick McGeough, Mark Wheler, Mike Hasenfratz and Troy Sartison are among the recent Saskatchewanians in The Show, but Watson was the best. He worked 1,600 games, including eight Stanley Cup finals, where only the top-rated performers get on the ice. He worked an outdoor game at Dodger Stadium and got to officiate the most recent Spengler Cup in Switzerland.
The NHL mandates a final game for retiring officials, before the playoffs, so the retiree can set up a farewell before friends and family. Watson’s finale was in Denver, where he has lived since honing his craft in Wolseley, Milestone, Weyburn, Yorkton, Moose Jaw and Swift Current. Players from both teams lined up afterwards to congratulate him on his Hall-worthy career.