Jay Glazer of FOX had some very incriminating footage on the network’s NFL pre-game show yesterday.
A staff member of the New England Patriots is alleged to have shot video of the Cincinnati Bengals in their Dec. 8 game against the Cleveland Browns. Some claim the Patriots used the video to steal coaching signals being called in to the team.
Many are waiting for the NFL to come down hard on the Patriots. In a strange way, I believe this storyline actually helps the NFL. A villain always adds intrigue to any story.
The Patriots were first accused of illegally spying on the New York Jets in 2007. In the last decade or so, there have been accusations of deflated footballs, allegations of tampering with opposing teams’ headsets, and contentions that the Patriots have falsified injury reports.
Since 2007 the Patriots have been to six Super Bowl games and have won three of them. In the eyes of many, the Patriots are the villains that fans either love or love to hate.