, paNOWThe Prince Albert SPCA are asking for donations after five puppies were left on the side of a highway near the shelter.
According to a Facebook post, a passerby noticed the estimated six-week-old dogs abandoned on the side of the road, picked them up and took them to the SPCA.
The puppies are too young to be away from their mother so the SPCA are looking for dry puppy food and milk replacer.
“It is crushing seeing these little ones abandoned and discarded like they are worthless,” the post reads. “But we are happy to know they are safe now and will have brighter futures ahead of them.”
They’re not available for adoption at this time but the shelter said they are actively looking for a foster home. Those who are interested in fostering can send an application and join the SPCA’s Facebook Foster Team Group.
These pups are not available for adoption at this timeThese 5 little munchkins were found abandoned outside on the side of the highway not far from the SPCA. Luckily someone saw them, pulled over, scooped them up and brought them into our care. These little pups are roughly 6 weeks old, way too young to be away from their mom. It is crushing seeing these little ones abandoned, and discarded like they are worthless. But we are happy to know they are safe now and will have brighter futures ahead of them. We will be looking for a foster home for these little cuties, so if you are interested in fostering please send us in an application and join our Facebook Foster Team Group! If you are not able to foster, consider donating towards their care. We are in need of dry puppy food, and puppy milk replacer. Donations can be made in kind, by etransfer to, or through Facebook!Any donation over $20 will be eligible for a tax receipt.
Posted by PrinceAlbert Spca on Friday, February 7, 2020
They’re now accepting donations and can be made in person at the SPCA, on Facebook, or by etransfer to
On Twitter: @iangustafson12