The Government of Saskatchewan reported Friday there were 13 new cases of COVID-19 in the province.
There now are 12 people in hospital, up from three on Monday.
The new cases — eight in the central region of the province, two in the Regina area and one each in the far north, north and south areas — increase the total number of cases so far in Saskatchewan to 936.
There were two more recoveries announced Friday, but the government said three cases that previously were reported as recoveries were removed from that list and “reactivated” as active cases.
“This can happen if public health determines an individual has relapsed or developed additional symptoms,” the government said in a media release.
As a result, the total number of recoveries in Saskatchewan is now 793. To date, 15 residents of the province have died due to complications from COVID-19.
There now are 128 active cases in the province, with 51 in the central region, 49 in the south, 13 in the Saskatoon region, seven in the Regina area, four in the far north and four in the north.
Eleven people — seven in Saskatoon, two in the south, one in the north and one in the central region — are receiving inpatient care in hospital. One person is in intensive care in the south.
Of the total number of cases, 514 are community contacts, 182 are travellers, 155 don’t have any known exposures, and 85 are being investigated by local public health officials.
To date, 59 health-care workers have contracted the virus.
There have been 340 cases in the far north, 204 in the Saskatoon area, 122 from the north, 116 from the south, 87 in the Regina area and 67 from the central region.
The total comprises 323 cases in the 20-to-39 age range, 292 between the ages of 40 and 59, 163 in the 60-to-79 age range, 130 involving people 19 and under, and 28 aged 80 and over.
The 1,139 tests reported Friday increase the province’s total to date to 78,990.
The government reminded residents that anyone can request a test whether they have symptoms or not. All that’s required is a call to HealthLine 811.
Re-Open Saskatchewan
The government also reminded people there are specific guidelines in place for sports under the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan.
Tournaments are prohibited, as are interprovincial competitions.
Where physical distancing isn’t possible, mini-leagues — comprising teams made up of players from within the same neighbourhood, community or geographical region — should be formed. The leagues shouldn’t have more than 50 players in total.
Only teams in the same mini-leagues can play each other.