The parties that the Tampa Bay Lightning are throwing have the NHL giving them a call.
I imagine the call would be pretty similar to the ones left by parents who have left for the weekend, with a teenager or two at home alone.
You know what it would sound like.
Hey, just checking in on how everything is going. Now remember, we said you could have a few friends over, right? I expect not to see pictures of your entire fanbase in our living room, OK?
I just have to say, Steve’s mom sent a screen grab of one of his snaps last night and we noticed that things look like they might have gotten out of control. Don’t lie to me or I’ll send uncle Gary over to check on you. We don’t want to treat you like a child because we know how much you’ve missed your friends because of COVID.
So, you can hang out with a few friends but I don’t want to see anything like last night. We don’t want to be responsible for a bunch of your friends getting sick or worse. OK?
Kay. Good night because we will take the Stanley Cup back if you can’t be responsible.
You realize I have to practice. My daughter will be a teenager before I care to admit.