Regina mayoral candidate Tony Fiacco addressed the maintenance costs for Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL) on Thursday while also denouncing other candidates’ infrastructure promises.
“We’re here today to highlight the dilemma facing a cash-strapped REAL,” Fiacco said during a media conference inside the Brandt Centre. “The truth of the matter is that we have a real issue on our hands. REAL needs $45 million in maintenance that it currently cannot afford.”
Fiacco noted the 43-year-old Brandt Centre needs major work and because of the financial impact of COVID, the deficit margin will be much greater than in past years.
“We know (REAL officials) are facing the facts head on and they are coming up with solutions. But without co-operation from the mayor and council at Regina City Hall, they are stuck in limbo,” he said.
“They can neither stay the same nor strive toward the future. Just like the current elected leadership at City Hall, REAL is stuck. REAL needs action, not stalling.”
Fiacco said he would address REAL’s financial deficit within weeks of taking office as mayor of Regina.
“We will work on the bigger problems facing Regina as a whole,” he said. “Every solution to a problem starts with a conversation.”
Fiacco also called out other candidates’ infrastructure promises, including Jerry Flegel’s plan for a new downtown arena.
“We need to address the ridiculousness of new spending when we’re not taking care of the priorities that the citizens of Regina are saying,” Fiacco said. “There’s talk about a new shiny structure downtown. Tell me something: Where are you going to park 45 semis for a concert downtown?”
Fiacco also voiced his concerns for Sandra Masters’ plan for a new aquatic centre.
“Where are you going to get that $85 million for a new swimming pool and athletic centre?” he asked. “Thirty per cent federal, 30 per cent provincial and 30 per cent municipal? Wow. What does that translate into in tax increases?
“Where was that quote? Who gave that quote for 10 per cent from fundraising, or other avenues? Has a provincial and federal government actually said they will give 30 per cent? How can you promise 30 per cent from the citizens of Regina, who are still miffed about having to pay millions of dollars for Mosaic Stadium? We can’t afford new at this point in time.”
Fiacco added he will look towards creating more transparency about the city’s spending if he’s elected mayor on Nov. 9.