8:30- The Saskatchewan Health Authority reported last week that there are currently 37 hospitals and health centers that are disrupted. This includes some emergency services being reduced to weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm. Understaffing at hospitals has led to fewer available beds and longer wait times as well. Everett Hindley, Saskatchewan Minister of Mental Health and Addictions explains why this is and what steps need to be taken to fix this issue.
LIVE: Everett Hindley, Saskatchewan Minister of Mental Health and Addictions.
9:00– The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session
10:00– Michael Zwaagstra, teacher and author joins Gormley to talk about his latest article “Is the theory of unique learning styles dragging down our education system?” The theory that everyone has a unique learning style such as visual or tactile-kinaesthetic learning may actually be a myth.
LIVE: Michael Zwaagstra, teacher and author of “A Sage on the Stage: Common Sense Reflections on Teaching and Learning.”
11:00 – Even before COVID- 19, hospitals were experiencing extremely long wait times with patients left waiting months to years for surgery. According to the Fraser Institute, waiting lists have never been longer than they are now. Colin Craig, the president of SecondStreet.Org explains a possible solution to this crisis- The European Union’s cross-border health care policy.
LIVE: Colin Craig, president of SecondStreet.org.
12:00– There are more than 4,000 charities and non-profits active around Saskatchewan, and we’re featuring some of the great people doing great work in this province during our new segment called “The Best of Saskatchewan.” In this week’s feature, we’ll check in with Oxford House.
LIVE: Mark Soloway, Executive Director of Oxford House.