With guest host Brent Loucks
8:30- A federal judge has certified a class action lawsuit against the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) over the hacking of thousands of accounts for the CERB. Records have revealed that over 48,000 accounts were hacked and around 12,000 accounts had direct deposits changed to fraudulently apply for the CERB. Tom Korski, Managing Editor Blacklocks reporter has more on this story.
LIVE- Tom Korski, Managing Editor Blacklocks reporter
9:00- Harvest has begun which means long hours for farmers. According to SaskPower, 186 Saskatchewan farmers have contacted power lines this season. SaskPower reminds farmers to plan routes ahead of time. Scott McGregor Issues Management Corporate and Regulatory Affairs at SaskPower joins us to talk about some safety tips this season as well as share information about the Look Up and Live Program.
LIVE: Scott McGregor Issues Management Corporate and Regulatory Affairs at SaskPower.
9:15 – The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session
10:00– Royal Helium Ltd. of Saskatoon had a special announcement to make on the day that the NASA Artemis rocket was supposed to launch. Helium in both Saskatchewan and Alberta are now going to be used by a North American Company that will launch rockets into space. Andrew Davidson, President, and CEO of Royal Helium Ltd. tells us more about this story.
LIVE: Andrew Davidson, President, and CEO of Royal Helium Ltd.
10:30– This past weekend Arborists from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba were in a competition for the Prairie Masters Champion in Regina. International Society of Arboriculture Prairie chapter, the company that organized the event shares with us what the competition entailed, what training looks like, and when we can expect to see a return for this competition.
LIVE: Keith Anderson, Executive Director of the International Society of Arboriculture, Prairie Chapter.
11:00– It’s time for Saskatchewan’s Smartest Radio Listener! It’s your chance for fame, acclaim and to prove just how smart you are. Not only do you get bragging rights, you’ll win your exclusive Smartest Radio Listener t-shirt thanks to Little Town Apparel available ONLY to Saskatchewan Smartest Radio Listener winners, PLUS a $50 gift certificate to Crossmount.
11:30– We are joined by Dr. Gerry Uswak with the College of Dental Surgeons to talk about some of the issues we are seeing today in the dental industry. Some people are holding off on getting dental work because they are waiting on the new federal dental plan, but Uswak says we are a few years away from seeing this plan in action. Do you have a question for our dentist? Call/text us at 1-877-332-8255!
LIVE: Dr Gerry Uswak with the College of Dental Surgeons