It seems that crime rates in Regina have returned to pre-pandemic levels last year, with property crimes on the rise.
Regina Police Chief Evan Bray says petty thefts, such as shoplifting, drove the increase.
“It’s positive to know that (car thefts were) down significantly from (the previous) year and mischief (was) down as well,” Bray told the Greg Morgan Morning Show on Wednesday.
Stealing items from a car without stealing the car itself counts as a property crime, not car theft, Bray said.
“(People can deter theft of their belongings) by (not having) visible valuables in (their) vehicle … (and by) locking (their doors),” Bray added. “Often … people (who) are looking for a quick win out of a vehicle are not looking to smash the window, unless there’s something very valuable they see.”
The police chief said thieves are more likely to rummage through the console of an unlocked vehicle.
There was a jump in arsons last year when compared to the previous year, which Bray says was mainly caused by fires in vacant homes.
“We know there’s a fairly high number of vacant homes, predominantly in North Central Regina,” he said. “People (who) are looking for shelter from the weather break into the house … maybe spend the night, but often light fires … to keep warm or create further damage to the house.”
Bray says the Regina Police Service has been working with bylaw officers and the City of Regina to try and find a way to get people into these homes or demolish them, adding the mayor and new city manager have the issue on their radar.
Although sexual assaults increased last year from the year before, Bray doesn’t believe more sexual assaults are taking place. He said police improved and enhanced their investigative process by bringing in non-police experts to help reduce the stigma and give survivors a stronger voice.
“What’s happening is the Regina Sexual Assault Centre reports that they’re bringing in more people than ever, people that normally would not have reported to police,” Bray added. “We know sexual assaults (are) probably one of the most under-reported crimes.”
Bray said the fact is not necessarily that Regina is having more sexual assaults, but more are being reported, which he says is a positive thing.