The City of Regina is working ahead — far ahead, in some cases — to get its ducks in a row for several construction and infrastructure projects coming up in the next months and years.
It has posted several requests for proposals over the past few months for a series of different projects.
Flooding traffic signal
The city is looking for a company to provide flood sensor technology and a “traffic communication device” for the underpass on Albert Street, just north of Saskatchewan Drive.
That underpass often floods when it rains heavily in the city and drivers often underestimate how much water is there and then get stuck. Regina police and fire services have, in the past, had to go and rescue people from their vehicles.
The city said it’s working with SGI on the “new and innovative technology solution” to let people know when the underpass is flooded and tell them to find another route.
The description in the proposal issued last month said the “communication device” would be put at the Albert Street and Saskatchewan Drive intersection and the Albert Street and Ninth Avenue intersection.
It’s early in the project, though, so the city couldn’t say when it will be in place.
“Details regarding implementation will be available once the contract is awarded and a schedule and technology has been confirmed,” read a statement from the city.
Adding lanes to Ring Road
The city is also looking to add a lane to Ring Road between Dewdney and Ross avenues in both directions. The project would also look to improve the on and off ramps.
The city said those areas of Ring Road have been experiencing “traffic delays and operational concerns” and the adding of another lane would increase capacity and reliability, enhance service and safety, and help meet Regina’s “growth needs.”
According to the request for proposals issued in November, the project would include construction of the third lane, relocation of guardrails under the overpass there, relocation of utilities, relocation of traffic signs and easements, drainage and landscaping work, and the assessment of noise from adding a third lane.
The work happening now is just the detailed design, according to the city. The actual construction for the project hasn’t been scheduled yet.
Scarth Street
In January, the City of Regina put out a tender for engineering services on a revitalization for Scarth Street between 11th and 12th avenues, also known as the F.W. Hill Mall. It wants a preliminary design of what the mall could look like.
“The city is working to revitalize the city centre to contribute to a vibrant community, economic prosperity and community safety and well being,” read a statement from the city about the work.
The city said the stakeholder and public consultations will be confirmed once the tender is awarded, and the construction could start next year.
Street revitalization
The city also has two tenders out for construction work on streets in the city.
The first is for revitalization of 11th Avenue between Albert Street and Broad Street, saying it’s aging and requires updates.
The final design is expected to be finished early this year and construction to start this spring, going in phases over the next four years.
The city expects to release more details before construction starts.
City administration also has a street infrastructure renewal project out for tender. It would renew the major roads in Regina that have 90 per cent of the city’s total traffic.
According to the tender, the updates would include the replacement of sidewalks, pedestrian ramps, crossings, curbs and gutters, repairing road structure, cold milling of existing asphalt, and rebuilding, installing or decommissioning manholes and catch basins.
The city said it’s working to find the contractors for the work and they’ll be awarded in the coming weeks and months.
Details about each project is expected to be shared when work and timelines are confirmed.