8:30 – Saskatchewan is the first province to voice their concern about the incoming federal emission policy. By 2035 emissions from electrical generation should be net-zero. Premier Scott Moe joins Gormley to discuss how this policy in the current time frame doesn’t make sense for the province.
LIVE: Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan
9:00 – Hour of the Big Stories…open lines
10:00 – Garage sale season in Saskatchewan is upon us and one of the leading experts on turning junk into cash is Richard Brayshaw. He offers advice on how anyone can start “flippin’ 4 a livin’” through his YouTube channel and has visited more than 50,000-yard sales. Brayshaw joins Gormley to share some tips and advice for avoiding scams and time-wasters when shopping on Facebook Marketplace and other online portals.
LIVE: Richard Brayshaw, Saskatoon based re-seller and creator of “Flippin 4 a Livin’”.
11:00 – The Province has a new plan in making sure there is enough family doctors for everyone. A new payment structure model would change how doctors get paid based on each patient at their practice. Dr. Annette Epp is the new President of the Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) and joins Gormley to explain how this new plan can help the doctor shortage.
LIVE Dr. Annette Epp, President of SMA and gynecologist in Saskatoon.
12:00 – There are more than 4,000 charities and non-profits active around Saskatchewan, and we’re featuring some of the great people doing great work in this province during our new segment called “The Best of Saskatchewan.” In this week’s feature, we’ll check in with the Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatoon.
LIVE: Faith Bodnar, Executive Director of Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatoon