The City of Regina is calling on residents to reduce their refuse.
During waste reduction week — which runs until Sunday — the city is asking on people to reduce the amount of garbage that goes to the landfill. This year, the city is focusing on Textile Tuesday and Food Waste Friday.
According to the city, people can reduce waste by purchasing package-free products, buying used clothing and household items, and sharing tools with neighbours, friends and family
“Waste reduction is something every resident can participate in,” Kurtis Doney, the city’s acting executive director of citizen services, said in a media release. “We are encouraging residents to consider how they can reduce waste through proper sorting and reusing or sharing items to ultimately send less garbage to the landfill.”
People who share the ways they reduce waste can win prizes; those contests will be available on the city’s Facebook page in waste reduction questions.
The city’s goal is to become a net-zero community by 2050. People can help by checking out Regina’s Seven “Big Moves” here, by reducing the waste they bring into their home, by finding creative ways to repurpose items to keep them out of the landfill, and by properly sorting waste into recycling and food and yard streams.