Almost perfect Saturday for the Huskies in Canada West playoffs
7h ago
Huskies men's hockey and women's volleyball teams both forced game 3 Sunday.
Speed limit cameras in Regina’s school zones might activate the flash when you drive past, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll end up with a ticket.
School zone speed limits are 30 kilometres per hour between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., but the Regina Police Service said it’s aware of camera flashes activating when drivers are exceeding 30 outside of the school zone hours.
According to police, drivers who are obeying the posted speed limits after school zone hours won’t be ticketed, even if the cameras automatically activate.
“Even if you see a flash, the Traffic Safety Unit is not issuing any tickets if you are driving the labeled speed limit,” police said in a statement.
The police service said it’s looking into the issue.